Asociatia Multiculturala “Visions of Dreams” is a non-profit organization dedicated to contributing to the increase of the level of musical, cultural, and artistic education of local and regional communities, by creating high-quality cultural and artistic events, and conceiving and implementing multicultural projects – nationally and internationally.
The entire team is dedicated to the purpose of the Association and through its proposed projects develop international collaborations by offering an educational upgrade to the society as well as participating in the development of cultural-artistic exchanges between countries and continents, exchanges that can make known artistic values, new styles of music, themes and approaches of the higher-quality cultural act.
Heralded by the LONDON GUARDIAN as „soulful, charismatic, and technically brilliant… a star.” Dean Bowman is renowned internationallyfor his „rumbling baritone and heart-peeling falsetto… a showstopper” (VILLAGE VOICE). Without a doubt, a major contributor to the NYC downtown jazz, rock, and avant-garde scenes, he is an accomplished, „massively talented” vocalist and performance / recording artist. He has been described alternately as a „vocal-mentalist,””tone poet,” „avant-garde gospel singer,” and a „jazz singer with the soul of a rocker,” for his work with Don Byron, “Do The Boomerang”, the music of Junior Walker (BLUE NOTE/EMI), as well as touring the music of Ray Charles with John Scofield. Dean Bowman gratefully acknowledges traditional Black spirituals and gospel as “ground zero” for his creative development. Schooled by his mentors John Paxton and Dr. James Mumford, Bowman later studied under David Baker and Barry Harris. Some laterstudies (formal and informal) were with Greg Drew, Rael Wesley Grant, Craig Harris, James Weidman, and Jerome Harris Credits include records with Lester Bowie (Brass Fantasy*, When The Spirit Returns*, The Odyssey of Funk and Popular Music*), Jane Bunnett (Ritmo + Soul), Don Byron (Do The Boomerang, Existential Dred, Bug Music), Uri Caine (Primal Light, Goldberg Variations), Jane Bunnett, Stanley Cowell, and DeweyRedman (Spirituals and Dedications*), and Elliott Sharp (Blues For Next*), among others. Dean has toured with Kelvyn Bell, Steve Coleman, Charlie Hunter, D.D. Jackson, MeShellNdegeocello,John Scofield, and Reggie Workman, among others, as well as his own groups:
For people who can contribute I have a paypal link and banking info listed here.
Cont bancar: ( IBAN):RO39UGBI0000592006304RON
Pana la 25 mai 2021 puteti opta pentru redirectionarea a 3,5% din impozitul pe venit, catre o organizatie non profit.
Asociatia Multiculturala “Visions of Dreams” si Dean Bowman va invita sa participati activ in sustinerea proiectele pe care aceasta le deruleaza, redirectionand din impozitul pe venit aferent anului trecut, catre ONG-ul prin care Dean Bowman a infiintat SCOALA DE MUZICA ” VISIONS OF DREAMS” si unde activeaza ca voluntar in pregatirea elevilor sai.
Pasi de urmat:
1.Descarcati formularul 230 de aici:
2.Completati datele voastre in campul “ Date de identificare a contribuabilului”
3. Completati cap.III bifand ” Sustinerea unei entitati non profit/unitati de cult”
Cod de indentificare fiscala a entitatii: 38620980
Cont bancar: ( IBAN):RO39UGBI0000592006304RON
4. Semneaza la rubrica”Semnatura contribuabil” si transmite prin posta( cu confirmare de primire) la Administratia Financiara la care esti arondat sau la sediul Asociatiei situat in Resita, str. Corbului 9, bl.9, sc.2, ap.8, Caras-Severin.
Iti multumim ca ai ales sa devi si tu voluntar!
Daca vrei sa te tinem la curent cu promotii, servicii noi etc